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카카오톡 공유
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모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 175l
이 글은 8년 전 (2016/2/04) 게시물이에요
Especially korea lol 

Like he has the 징(instrument) and idk what's its use but this stick? that has korean written on it 

and the stamp he gives when he checks homework, it has the 태극무늬 and it says 마크.. his name is Markㅋㅋㅋㅋ I was like am i reading this right? 마크?? And then later I found out that his name is Mark 

he usually decorates the classroom (like for October-Halloween, december-christmas, and currently valentine's day) and today the 설날 thing was on 

I feel 신기해

Woahhhhhh lol thats so cool and nicee. Like i would love to have a teacher who likes korea.. I knew this one history teacher who really liked 명성황후 though lol. He went on saying about how she was an amazing person and told my friends and i about all the things she did in her life.. I guess cool experience? Heh
8년 전
Bruh my teacher cant even pronounce busan right LOLLLLLLL
8년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요
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