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카카오톡 공유
주소 복사
모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 186l
이 글은 9년 전 (2015/9/16) 게시물이에요
내가 그동안 한 클럽이 없어서 이번에 플레이 트라이아웃 해보려하는데, 해본 행들있어? 오디션을 뭘로 준비해야하는 지도 모르겠고 걱정된다 ㅠㅠ

What kind of play? theater?
9년 전
Yes theater
9년 전
I did some. You should prepare for some monologues or part of your favorite theater act. Or... you could ask the leader/teacher/instructor of the theater. And, if it's similar to the one I joined before, it will have several spots open, such as writer, prop or backstage(light/music). (I was mostly script writer but act in a few acts).
9년 전
Sounds fun. But i am so scared of the audition next monday. I've never acted in my life and my pronaunciation is still improving. May i ask an advice for casting, please?
9년 전
Practice the lines a lot- really. Practice makes things perfect. And, when you are done with memorization- record and listen to your own voices. It might sound flat if your English is improving and you care about the pronunciation. Pronunciation is the second problem, but the tone is more important in acting, just in my opinion. Try to change your tones or variate your intonation. It'd be good for you if the lines are clearly understandable.

Then, think of the emotion of the character. (IF it's real legit theater club, they might ask about the character- how would the main character feel like? What were your interpretation of that act/line? )

And, most importantly- don't feel so embarrassed when you're acting. If it's your first time acting, it's okay to make mistakes so rather than being embarrassed or shy- try to be confident!

I am not sure how seriously your theater club is running, but those are the advice I could think of for now. But, every school's theater club has different agenda, policies and traditions - so if you want to be in that club, ask for advice from someone who's actually in the club.

Good luck:):)

9년 전
Omg thank you so muchhh this fall paly is 'the game's afoot'. And the head teacher said that he will make some small group and let them read some scripts in the audition. So i cant actually prepare for the audition. Now, what do you think i can do? I am soo scared that i will read the script with korean accent and mispronouce :'(

9년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요

혹시 지금 한국이 아니신가요!?
여행 l 외국어 l 해외거주 l 해외드라마
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1 ~ 10위
11 ~ 20위
1 ~ 10위
11 ~ 20위
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1 ~ 10위