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모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 239l 1
이 글은 8년 전 (2015/9/19) 게시물이에요

i went there because my friend wanted me to come with him

he had to go there because of his history class

i didnt even know the existence of teen court and i was like hell naw at first 

but it was actually fun lol

imma go to the next one too

lol I never even heard of teen court. What do you do there?
8년 전
its like real court but its kinda more free? everyone there is teenagers except the judge and the teachers so yeah... yesterday both of the cases were shoplifting. and the.. idk what the word for this is but the kids who stole things, they were actually there and defending themselves
they talk about what the charges are and if the minor accepts it or not.. and the jury(picked randomly from the audience) asks the minor questions about the situations and stuff. and later they submit a verdict and the judge approves it and adds on to it. yesterday it was something like 30 hours community service, no absence and have good grades in school, 2 sessions of teen court, apology letter to the store and parent, returning the stolen items, banned from the store, a curfew, no associating with the people the minor was with when shoplifting and etc. they said if she kept this for six months then there is going to be no record under her name lol

8년 전
I've never heard of teen court but after I read what you said above, I want to try going there too! But since I live in the US I don't think I can have a chance too.. When I go to the US I want to try it!
8년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요
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