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카카오톡 공유
주소 복사
모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 303l
이 글은 9년 전 (2015/9/19) 게시물이에요

I do community service in this 양로원 and this place is really Christian I guess...

They tell me to read the Bible for them seniors and sing Christian songs but I don't want toㅠㅠ I'm an atheist

Should I just keep quiet... or should I tell them... or should I quit this place

keep quiet or quit
9년 전
you should probably quit... something similar happened to me and i decided to quit ahhaa
9년 전
I think you should tell them and quit
9년 전
Since we have right to have religion and stuff i think it i s ok to just tell them you are a atheist! 정중하게 저는 atheist입니다 라고말씀드리는편이좋을것같아..!
9년 전
Singing a christian song and reading bible do not make you Christian if you're sure that you're an atheist. Think of it as volunteering.
And, it's actually for volunteering, isn't it? It's not about you- it's about helping out elders who want to read bible but couldn't or wanting to go to the churches to listen to songs but couldn't because of the age.
If you just couldn't get over it, it'd be better to tell your teacher that you're uncomfortable doing that. It's free country and you got your rights! Being stressful isn't good:((

9년 전
doesnt really matter if youre sure ur an atheist not christian or anthing else
9년 전
You better stay quite
I go Christian school but I'm an atheist I know it will give you stress
Just think why you are there
You Are doing community service so just let elderlies have fun with that

9년 전
9년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요

혹시 지금 한국이 아니신가요!?
여행 l 외국어 l 해외거주 l 해외드라마
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