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모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 273l
이 글은 9년 전 (2015/9/29) 게시물이에요
I'm about to die 


He wants me to quit the class but i won't 

That is my favorite class no matter what grade i am getting 

There is an exchange student from Korea in the class, she has cheated on the test so far. 

So her grade is a. Mine is.. Frick 

Help me guys 

How can i do better. What should i do.. 

It is the first period tomorrow. Don't know how to deal with it 

Literally freaking out

Do you have anyone else knowing that the girl has cheated the test? You have to tell the teacher...
9년 전
I guess i am the only one who knows that.. Except Her friend sharing her answers to the girl.
The teacher would not believe it unless he catches her, cus she is known as an excellent student.

9년 전
watch bozeman (its in youtube)
buy review book.

My ap bio teacher sucked at ap bio so much. it was her first year teaching ap bio and she didn't even major in bio. But those two helped me a lot through the year.

9년 전
Wth.. Thank you so much. Imma buy a book and i'm gonna make it!
9년 전
Can you plz tell me how did she cheat on the test?? Did she tell you about it or did u figure out the fact by urself?
9년 전
한국말 해? or should I just use eng..
Bio is do freakin hard,,, u know the korean girl? get close to her. Like u should get close and u should know how she cheats and then report to teacher

9년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요

혹시 지금 한국이 아니신가요!?
여행 l 외국어 l 해외거주 l 해외드라마
  1 / 3   키보드
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