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이 글은 9년 전 (2015/10/07) 게시물이에요
해외거주에 게시된 글이에요   새 글 

음 내가 헤어진 남자애가 있는뎅

선생님이 수업시간에 물어보는거야 are you still going out with him? omg i'm serious!! during the class!! in front of every classmates..

btw i was like no i just broke up with him today! ms!!

she looked really surprised and all of classmates laughed and said wish the best to you jen,  

did i make teacher embarrassed? did i make fun of my ex?

what do youse think my ex would think if he heard of it from his friend?

I think you did like sort of
9년 전
yea i think i did urghhh but someone says it is also weird going to teacher and apologising
9년 전
He would think like that if he heard of it but I think that you don't have to feel sorry and serious about that cause all you did was just answered the teacher's ask right? I don't know what was your tone like but...It's just my opinion.
9년 전
i can't agree with you more haha like i think i don't have to. but it would me better for me to apologise him.. it will makes me feel good i'm kinda have many worries haha thanks for that anyways but i haven't decided yet what to do.....haha that's how the relationship is
9년 전
Well, yes. You made your teacher a bit embarrassed which it'd be great if you ask her and tell her that you did not mean to make her embarrassed. ( It's always great to communicate with teachers openly.) And, about your ex.. yeah, from what I just read, you might be implying "I just broke up with my boyfriend but it's okay to tell in class because I did not take him seriously and okay to be ex." He might not feel good about it, but I think you do not need to apologize to him first but if you took him serious and it was heart-broken breakup, you should tell him it just happened and did not mean to make fun out of the breakup situation.
9년 전
exactly i should go to teacher to tell what happened to me, also i should have said that like what you said :( i was embarrassed too much to explain it properly. okay, i won't say sorry but what if i just go to him and say what happens, and i didn't mean to go it that way, also what you heard from your friend might be overstated like they may put something more to make it even funnier you know if you felt displeased i would apologise. hmmm a bit massed up haha thanks anyways have a nice one! g'day
9년 전
How things are going now? Is your teacher treating you differently? or, is your boyfriend avoiding you? If the answer is no for both question? Then, don't do anything. It's okay. And, I'd say you should think everything less seriously if you're feeling stressed out. You are just doing okay.
Hope you're feeling better and have everything worked out for you.
Have a great day! <33

9년 전
i reckon the teacher is fine with that, but ex is kinda trying to avoid me after the day we broke up haha yea i know i fell stressed out too much but i can't stop it like i'm writing sifi in my head everyday every night it makes me stay up late on the bed which i should fix up
and i'm just wondering if you live in England or Australia your spell of apologize makes me think so

8년 전
Nnnnnah.. I dont think u made fun of bf nor the broke up relationship...but maybe the teacher was embrassed bc she didnt know u broke up? Like she might think that breakup could have given u a hard time and what if she touched ur feeling. And also u were just answering to the question and not to make fun of the situation, I think the students were the ones who turned ur simple answer to funny thing (bc they were bored n wanted to make something fun so that they can laugh for the day!), when u didnt even know that it would be funny..... sorta.
9년 전
And for bf's thought when he hears it, hmmmm idk depends how u guys broke up if u broke up nicely he would just say oh and smile? Akd if it was a bad breakup he would laugh not smile? Idk im bad at this byeee
9년 전
cause the teacher didn't know that i broke up with bf and she just want to ask how we were during the holidays but my answer was inappropriate for the situation she asks about it first though, even if i didn't want it to goes that ways i made it so that i thought i am supposed to apologise to him... thank you for telling me what you think about it <3
9년 전
Nope, don't think about it too seriously lol
9년 전
hmm i know i tend to take every single of tiny problems seriously
9년 전
Don't make your life harder than how it already is haha
9년 전
i appreciate it :)
8년 전
음.... 여긴 다 영어네...?
9년 전
아 미안해ㅠㅠ 뭐지 한글이랑 영어랑 자꾸 바꾸기 힘들어서 나도모르게 그냥 써버렸당..
9년 전
well.. i think it will be fine though? i guess no one in your class gonna take it like so seriously! but if you still feel bad about it, then go to your teacher and say sorry for your excuse. i don't really know if she/he can take it as a joke or not, but I'm pretty sure she/he would understand and wouldn't think that you were being rude to her/him if you explain your situation to her/him in appropriate way. don't worry too muchie! everything will be fine :)
9년 전
alright it sounds like the best way i can do at the moment thanks for that :)
8년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요

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