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이 글은 8년 전 (2015/11/11) 게시물이에요

If so, can you tell me the different reactions and how you feel about that? Also, does that have any influence on how you behave/your personality/identity?

I'm writing a paper about the influence linguistic has on cultures/society, and want to talk about different feelings bilinguals get when using different languages due to outside forces.

I thought it'd be nice to have other people's opinions to  have more of a general idea.

So PLEASE provide your thoughts on this question!!

If you are confused, or doesn't get the question, feel free to ask for further explanation!

I've always been wondering about this idea/topic so it's lucky for you to actually do a research and write a paper about this. But I hope you understand that this is just my personal opinion and that it is not necessary for you to take into an account of my opinion. I think it's more about my behavior rather than others' reactions. You asked if people act differently when I speak different languages and the influence it has on my behavior but what I'm saying is that it's the other way around.
Well, to begin with a simple idea, the fact that I am still who I am whether I speak Korean or English doesn't change. But sometimes I can feel the difference in my behavior when I speak each language.
For me, I get more bold, out-going, and less caring about how others think about me when I speak English compared to Korean. But don't get me wrong because I'm still not a big fan of being in front of a huge crowd even when I speak English. When I say bold and out-going it's about how I treat?(probably not the best word choice here) people in person.
I believe that culture is deeply related to this (or it might even be the basis of this whole thing).To explain more about that dealing with people thing I mentioned, European/Western culture tends to be more open(in many ways) and I guess that environment is what changes my behavior(which directly relates to using different languages).
Ex)It's not common in Korea to start a conversation with a random person but in US it's not an odd thing

8년 전
Shoot I'm running out of space but I would love to answer more if you have any questions or want to have discussions with me. Also, I did shrink a lot so it's totally understandable if you couldn't understand my point.
*Btw I would change that last sentence if I were you (doesn't- don't)

8년 전
Um now that I read your post again, I'm a little worried that I may have been talking a bit off topic.
Were you talking about particular same group of people? Such as how your friend reacts differently when you speak Korean and English?
I understood "people" as general group of people who may or may not have any relation with me.
Anyways, I'd be gladly waiting for a feedback. Hope you enjoy writing your paper!

8년 전
Thank you so much! You are definitely on point! I did mention "people" as general group of people, and your opinion on the openness of Western culture is exactly how I think about it too. To expand on it, the reason I chose this topic is because my Korean friend pointed out the different reaction I get when I use Korean because I speak 사투리. Historically, before 사투리 became a popular form of "culture", it was looked down upon by the people who use 표준어. So I did have experience where people looked at me funny when I used 사투리. However, when I started speaking in English, the treatment was very different. I was looked upon my people by being fluent in English. From this experience, I got the idea to talk about this topic. My thoughts are still a bit unorganized, but do you think this personal experience will help me answer the question of how other's behavior/my behavior are influence by use of different languages?
8년 전
I'm still in process of trying the organize my thoughts and outline the topics for my paper, so my post might not have a clear point, or make sense, so please feel free to suggest new ideas, or point out things that might not work well.
8년 전
Defintely so! I agree with 행1--it is basically the person who speaks different language that induces different reactions from others. From what I have realized (again, personal observation aka no scientific proof) people tend to have different voice tone depending on which language they speak.
The example you gave though, I think it has more of social factors--in Korea speaking fluent english is socially percieved as prestige. But this is a great topic! I've always been interested in linguistics too!

8년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요

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