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모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 406l 1
이 글은 8년 전 (2016/2/04) 게시물이에요
한명은 나보다 한 학년 선배 또 다른 한명은 내 친구... 도대체 머리가 어떻게 된 인간들이지 진짜 만점이잖아.. 휴

8년 전
Ikr.. Its crazy
8년 전
8년 전
Literally that was my reaction lol
8년 전
My godd....those ppl arent ppl
8년 전
And the fact that one of them is my friend just makes me so sad omg why am i not her lolol
8년 전
OMG THAT FEELING IKR for me theres no perfect sat scored kids but they volunteer n do sports a lot which makes me so anxious whether should I do it or not and also they all take honors n ap classes, makes me feel so depressed in the night why cant I be as enthusiastic as they r...
8년 전
Haha i tried to do winter track in sophomore year but I just decided not to do it after that one experience because I suck at every type of sport LOL but yes volunteering helps a lot especially if youre trying to apply to an ivy league school. Im applying to art schools so for me making portfolios was the biggest part.

8년 전
Im just trying to go into state IT university, but then it requires pretty high sat score and I did rlly bad on sat :( i dont even voluteer a lot, my life is in hazard LOL

8년 전
Oh god... Ugh senior year shouldn't be this stressful haha I can't wait until April to skip school hahaha

8년 전
Im still sophomore ;( what state do u live in?

8년 전
Oh youre a sophomore??? And you already took SAT? Dangg.. I live in pa

8년 전
my friends including sophs and juniors lol... i only took psat but messed it up so pbbly I will do bad on sat too ;D I just gave up

8년 전
Dude dont worry no one does that good on psats... Start getting tutored from people or going to 학원 or something cuz that will probably help you a lot. Dont worry and dont give up yet!! You still have timee

8년 전
Ohh god thx for cheering me up yayyyyyy and for u good luck in college!!!!! TYSM

8년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요

혹시 지금 한국이 아니신가요!?
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