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카카오톡 공유
주소 복사
모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 134l
이 글은 8년 전 (2016/4/08) 게시물이에요
한국 치킨집에서 일시작한지 3일됐는데 

The owner is a Korean guy and he's really.. like.. um... I don't like him... 

First of all he doesn't give the training fee 

When I found that out on the second day I was so dumbfounded.. huh? What? Oh i think I'm hearing things ㅎㅎ can't you say it one more time? ... oh, oh, oh, oh... fxxk. 

However I learned everything except making drinks in two days (actually i did on the first day but he said one day training is too short so it got extended to two days.. and I didn't make any mistakes on that second day...lmao?) 

So I started getting my hours recorded on my third day 

But tada. My partner makes a big mistake...After that the owner was like 안돼겠다 너 내일 아침에 나와서 시간 적지말고 교육 더 받아야겠다 and in my mind I was like wth it wasn't me?! And I guess he could read minds, he added: 네가 실수한게 아니더라도 네가 잘 확인했어야지! Lololollol yeah.. sure.. that's why "I" should get more training even though I wasn't the one who made the mistake...... and you save more money. 

And the thing is on the first day I said I can't work on Fridays. I have tutoring for this.. test and yes I pay for it. I'm not going to flunk it.  

Okay 연대책임 whatever but what pisses me off is that I don't freakin get paid when I'm getting trained!!!! Including the training hours that's 16 hours which is 160 dollars and what I get is 60?? Wtf man! If I do go training tmr then it would be 220=60 and that's illegal!!! I wouldn't be this pisses if he at least gave like.. 8 dollars an hour of training. That would be 188 instead of 60(220). That's still illegal tho. 

And he doesn't let me sit. I have back pain problems so I try to sit and do some stretching while there's no hall customers or call orders, and then he yells at me. 너 뭐하는거야 한가할때 무 채워놔야지! Gosh... let me stretch first... I really wanted to roll my eyes at him 

When I was busy taking call orders cuz there was 6 in a row(3 for me 3 for my partner), he comes and yells at me again saying 너 전화받지말고 이거 세팅하는 법부터 배워! Talking about the to-go or delivery setups like the plastic bag, the menu, napkins chopsticks radish spicy sauce and etcetera. And ofc I already know how to do those. Uh duh you just saw me taking three orders... can't you just wait until I get some time to do them?? Actually, nevermind. You don't need to wait! If youre so impatient then you could do them yourself you bastard!! Why are you even working here with us??? If you hired people then let them work okay?? 

I.. just.. want to quit... I was talking about it with my mom and she said 당장 때려쳐! And I decided I should work at an English restaurant. Fxxk Korean restaurants and owners like him. 

My mom's friend owns a sushi place. She said she'll ask him if he needs another employee.  

Okay this ranting became so long lol I don't know if anyone would comment on this 


yeah, a lot of korean places dont pay for training
8년 전
괜찮아괜찮아 익이니가 스트레스 많이 받았겠다
8년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요

혹시 지금 한국이 아니신가요!?
여행 l 외국어 l 해외거주 l 해외드라마
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1 ~ 10위
11 ~ 20위
1 ~ 10위
11 ~ 20위
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1 ~ 10위