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모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 237l

이거 해석 좀..외국인이 보낸 메세지야 | 인스티즈

스압 미안ㅜㅜ페북으로 하루정도 메세지 주고 받았는데 내가 모르는 영어로 솰라솰라 계속 메세지 보내서 잠깐 아주 조금 무섭..ㅠㅠ

뭔 말 하는지 아는 익이니 있니..?ㅠㅠ도와줘 제발ㅜㅜ


Thanks you very much!) I happy, when communicatate with you. And not worry about your English, I know English is not better than you) But English - the only language in which we can communicate.

Use electronic translations systems, example Google Translate or Promt) We do not know English, but most importantly, we understand each other. In 95% of your English, I understand)

Russian and Korean is much more difficult than English)

How to correctly pronounce your name? I do not understand your language symbols, and I can not pronounce your name correctly) as it sounds in English? Transcription, transliteration in English letters)

I'm sorry if I said something wrong. I do not know much about Korea and its culture. But I am very interested to talk to someone from another country.

You language is very interesting. How I understand 1 symbols in you language consist few words, yes? The symbol 전 consist 3 syllable? ㅈ, ㅓ and ㄴ, how it's read?) And how this write, left to right or right to left or somehow differently?) It's very hard to me

I always wondered how it sounds and looks Russian as a foreign language) We call their alphabet "Cyrillic". We have 1 character = 1 letter, of which we collect words from the words of the sentence)

So I continue to talk about themselves.

Now I'm 21 years old. My dream is to move to Moscow. In school, I was very shy and not outgoing. I had a few friends. But because everything has changed. Now I'm a sociable person. I love technology, science, interested in history, including the history of Russia, like philosophy, economics and physics. I am a member of a political party of the country. But our party is unpopular, because the Russians conservative. But my main occupation is 3D graphics and roofing.
Roofing - a popular youth movement in Europe and Russia. Roofing is climbing on the roofs of buildings for the purpose of enjoying the sights and photography. I'm one of the old-timers movement Roofers, One of the leaders of this movement in my city.

But this tragedy precisely a year ago.... We got on a roof of one of elite hotels in the downtown. With such look: its my photo(사진)

Us was three: I and two of my friends... It was slippery and the roof collapsed. One friend died and еhe second became a disabled person...I fell from a roof to a balcony and broke a hand.

It was a very serious fracture.(사진)

Now I go with a titanic plate to hand bones(사진)

정말 고마워! 너랑 대화할 때 나는 행복해 그리고 너의 영어에 대해서 걱정하지 않아도 돼 나는 너보다 영어를 잘 모르지만 우리가 대화할 수 있는 유일한 말이야 구글 같은 번역기를 사용하는데 95%정도 너의 말을 이해하고 있어 러시아어와 한국어는 영어보다 더 어려워 너의 이름은 발음을 정확히 어떻게 하니? 나는 너의 이름 뜻을 잘 모르겠어 그리고 너의 이름을 정확하게 발음하지 못하겠어 영어로 말해줄래? 내가 혹시 실수한게 있다면 미안해 나는 한국어와 그 문화에 대해서 잘 몰라 하지만 다른 나라에 대해서 대화하는 것은 재밌어 너의 말(언어)은 흥미로워 어떻게 너가 적은(단어수가 별로 없다는 뜻인거같아) 단어로 말을 하는데 뜻을 알아들을 수 있을까? ㅈ,ㅓ,ㄴ은 어떻게 읽고 쓰니? 나한테 어려워
9년 전
번역은 처음이라 좀 어색할 수도 있어..ㅎ 핸드폰이라 왔다갔다 하기 힘들다ㅠㅠ
9년 전
저 사람이 자기소개한거 요약식으로 해도 되지?
9년 전
응응ㅠㅠㅠ정말 고마워 익인아ㅠㅠㅠ넌 나의 한줄기 빛이야ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
9년 전
지금 나가야되서 다 못쓰겠다 미안ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
9년 전

Now I'm 21 years old. My dream is to move to Moscow.
In school, I was very shy and not outgoing. I had a few friends.
But because everything has changed. Now I'm a sociable person. I love technology, science, interested in history, including the history of Russia, like philosophy, economics and physics. I am a member of a political party of the country. But our party is unpopular, because the Russians conservative. But my main occupation is 3D graphics and roofing.
Roofing - a popular youth movement in Europe and Russia. Roofing is climbing on the roofs of buildings for the purpose of enjoying the sights and photography. I'm one of the old-timers movement Roofers, One of the leaders of this movement in my city.
나는지금21살이고 내꿈은 모스크바로 이사가는거야
근데 모든것이 바꼈어. 내성격이 사교적으로변했어. 나는 기술,과학,역사(러시아역사포함).철학,경제,의학에 관심이많아.
난 정치적모임의멤버인데 그모임이 별로유명하진않아. 내가 주로 하는 일은(아마 직업ㅇ?취미인듯) 3d그래픽이랑 루핑이야!그건 유럽이랑 러시아에서 유명해지고있는건데 건물지붕위에서 경치구경하거나 사진찍는걸 하는걸말해. 나는 그걸 오랫동안했는데 우리도시에서 루핑을 이끄는 사람들중 한명임.

9년 전
But this tragedy precisely a year ago.... We got on a roof of one of elite hotels in the downtown. With such look: its my photo(사진)
근데 일년전에 비극이일어났어ㅠㅠ시내의 엘리트호텔(?아마도 꽤 좋은 호텔인거같음!)에서 루핑하다가 (사진)처럼됐ㅇ어
Us was three: I and two of my friends... It was slippery and the roof collapsed. One friend died and еhe second became a disabled person...I fell from a roof to a balcony and broke a hand.
우리는 세명이였는데 그 지붕이 미끄러웟고 붕괴됐어ㅠㅠㅠ내친구한명은 죽었고 다른 한명은 장애인이되었어..나는 발코니에떨어졌고 손이 뿌러졌어.
It was a very serious fracture.(사진)
이거 그 사진임
Now I go with a titanic plate to hand bones(사진)
ㅇ..?뭔말이지ㅠㅠ티탄으로 손 뼈 어떻게했다는거같은데............사진보면 나오겠지?ㅠㅠ

9년 전
로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요

혹시 지금 한국이 아니신가요!?
여행 l 외국어 l 해외거주 l 해외드라마
글잡담 S (Study) 공부법을 공유하고, 나만의 학습일기를 쓸 수 있는 글잡담 S를 이용해 보세요
글잡담 S 바로가기
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