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카카오톡 공유
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모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 291l
어학연수 중인데 진짜 부엌 맨날 어지르고 지가 안했다고 하고 설거지해도 개대충하는 애 있는데(맨날 우리가 부엌 다 정리하고.. 가스렌지나 책상은 절대 안닦아) 말하니까 자기가 한거 아니라고 계속 그러는거야.. 알고보니까 어제만 지 친구가 한거였고.. 나한테 스튜핏 비치라고 한거 미안하다고 보냈다가 내가 읽씹하니까 지워서 이렇게 보낼려고 하는데 괜찮??  


Sorry for the late reply. I saw your message earlier. First of all, I'm sorry I talked to you in a strong way. You know, I sent you a message yesterday because I didn't have Amy's Instagram ID. I wanted you to watch it together because you two are friends, and Amy said the juice by the trash can was hers. (I know you didn't.) 


As you know, our flat doesn't have many bowls and frying pans. So if someone don't wash the dishes “right after” who eats, people who eats dinner late often have to wash and use the dishes that the person in front of someone ate.  


Did I feel that way because you eat dinner early and I eat dinner late? The next day, everything is washed, so I'm asking because I think you'll think you've cleaned it up. (Please let me know if you don't agree with me.) 


And I don't want you to wash the dishes, I just want the flat to be clean.(including kitchen table, dining table, near the trash can) Now that you've moved the flat, you're a guest! If Amy invited you to cook, and if we have problems, I'll talk to Amy. We're not gonna bump into each other. I don't want to fight you. 


And please don't talk to your friends at the flat so I can hear you all, just tell me and please let me know. If there is a misunderstanding, I think it would be better to just talk and solve it together!

뭔 말하려는지는 대충 알겠는데 외국애들 이렇게 긴 문장 읽는거 개 싫어함 그리고 친구들이랑 돌려보면서 웃고 욕할 가능성 개큼 그냥 만나서 말로 하는게 최고인것같아. 근데 1. I wanted you to watch it together because you two are friends, (무슨말이얌?)

2. So if someone don't wash the dishes “right after” who eats, people who eats dinner late often have to wash and use the dishes that the person in front of someone ate. (문장어색)

-> So if someone didn't wash the dishes “right after” they eat, others who want to eat dinner later have to wash them before they use them.

3. Did I feel that way because you eat dinner early and I eat dinner late? (쓰니가 나만 그렇게 느끼는거야? 라는 말이 하고 싶은거야? 요거 이해 잘 못하겠음)

4. The next day, everything is washed, so I'm asking because I think you'll think you've cleaned it up. (이것도 설명좀 쓰니가 물어보는 이유가 그 친구가 본인이 클린했다고 생각할거라고?)

5. And I don't want you to wash the dishes
(여태까지 설거지 안되어있어서 한 말 아니었나 왜 얘보고 설거지하지말래..?)

6. And please don't talk to your friends at the flat so I can hear you all, just tell me and please let me know. (본인이 친구들한테 말하는건 자유라서 돈턱투유얼 프렌즈하면 얘 뭔데 말하라 하지말라야 할거임)

-> please talk to me directly if anything concern you. I'm open to talk and resolve any problems with you.

위에서 이미 한 번 말했다시피 문자나 디엠으로 이렇게 보내는 것보다 걍 얼굴보고 얘기하는게 최고임 ㅠㅠ

2년 전
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