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여성시대 - 귀여운 소녀의 디스코

Last time you took me ocean
And you felt that
we were happy on the day
It is like a show together
It is like a dream
I need some time
I’m waitin’ for your call
Wooh I miss when
I didn’t know you sometimes
And I thought
I would go crazy without you
Did you feel it enough
I don’t wanna talk about it anymore
When I say
you looked at the outside
When I was in your eyes
I just wanted you
to stick around there
When I was in your mind
I just feel like
I’m deep in the water
When I was in your eyes
I just wanted you
to stick around there
When I was in your mind
I just feel like
I’m deep in the water
Ooh girl why i didn't know ya
Why have I turned
a blind eyes to dark emotions
It is like a parallel lines
It is like a fate
I need some time
I’m not waitin’ for you mind
Wooh I miss when
I didn’t know you sometimes
And I thought
I would go crazy without you
Did you feel it enough
I don’t wanna talk
about it anymore
When I say
you looked at the outside
When I was in your eyes
I just wanted you
to stick around there
When I was in your mind
I just feel like
I’m deep in the water
When I was in your eyes
I just wanted
you to stick around there
When I was in your mind
I just feel
like I’m deep in the water

🎵PATZ - WATER "I just feel like I'm deep in the water” | 인스티즈

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