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텔레그램 여성혐오범죄 외신제보하기 (영어번역 돌려서 가져옴) 여초커뮤 스크랩 환영🔥 | 인스티즈

출처: https://m.blog.naver.com/wmabe/223560402538

프랑스에서 텔레그램 CEO가 체포된 후, 프랑스쪽 외신제보를 위해 이 분이 직접 블로그에 작성해주신 글이야 공익목적으로 올려주셨기에 나도 긁어서 번역해왔어

(원래는 프랑스 기자한테 보내자고 올려준건데, 현재 프랑스쪽 기자한테 너무많은 메일이 와서 출처링크 속 글에서 수신주소를 내리셨어. 블로그 내용을 그대로 영어로 번역한거니까, 이걸 BBC 등 외신에 제보하는데 쓰면 큰 힘이 될것 같아)

보내는 법 참고

A report on Telegram-related sexual crimes in South Korea

Hi I'm a Korean woman. We were told that Telegram's CEO was urgently arrested in France. I want to send an e-mail to the French press to help punish him. I want to inform you that Telegram is being used for crimes in Korea. Please listen to us a little.

In South Korea, Telegram is used for sexual crimes against ordinary women. They store photos on ordinary women's social networks, synthesize them into pornography with deepfake technology, and are considered "insulting a friend" and shared. Several humiliation telegram rooms for friends by region, including digital sexual offences against high school students There is a humiliation room for friends of the telegram by region and school

Telegram also used as a place to trade and share videos and photos of sexual harassment against families Many men take videos where a woman's brother, brother and son touch her chest and buttocks while sleeping, sell it to Telegram to share it or take pictures of underwear to share and insult it together.

I have attached a Twitter link to help this content.
https://twitter.com/queenarchive1/status/1827185890420257224?s=61(미리보기 미지원 포스트)

https://twitter.com/queenarchive1/status/1827594811492462676?s=61(미리보기 미지원 포스트)

***Explanation in English.

Reaction of Korean students who go to university.
https://twitter.com/queenarchive1/status/1827582221680832538?s=61(미리보기 미지원 포스트)

As you know in the case of Renee Motors, Koreans hunt women with useless fingers and attack women if they turn out to be feminists.

Women are constantly reprimanded, sexually objectified and criminalized. This is not the first time that the sexual exploitation of Telegram has been carried out.

From 소라넷 in 1999, Korean women are confronted with digital sex crimes such as N번방(N number of pieces), but nothing has changed. No articles have been published as the controversy over Telegram's crimes intensifies. For this reason, we complain about our pain to the foreign media. We need a loud voice.

He tells us how much Telegram is exploited and gives us articles about the terrible reality of Korea.

출처: 우리 동네 목욕탕 - 킬러핑

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