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아미야잡화점님 채우기 아이템 당첨🎉 여러분도 도전해 보세요 l 
공지가 닫혀있어요 l 열기
모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
널 사랑해 영원히ll조회 29l

YOUNG GUN SILVER FOX - West Side Jet | 인스티즈

Hmm hmmm
He's got a spring in his step
Fighting on the dance floor
He's a West Side Jet
Strutting out the door
And there will come each day
A time to be afraid
But he always stands his ground
It's human nature
What doesn't kill you makes ya
He's always looking over his shoulder yeah
Won't see him running
And man I'll tell you something
Nobody throws it down like this West Side Jet
But he's just a boy
Who wouldn't touch a fly
Yeah he's the West Side Jet
Who ain't afraid to cry
And like every boy
From the other side of town
Yeah, you're a West Side Jet
Or you're six feet underground
Cause every now and then
You gotta to put up a defense
When you know you can't back down
It's human nature
What doesn't kill you makes ya
He's always looking over his shoulder yeah
Won't see him running
But man I'll tell you something
You put your money down on the cold sure bet
Cause it's in his nature
What doesn't kill you makes ya
He's always looking over his shoulder yeah
You won't see him coming
And man I'll tell you something
Nobody throws it down like this West Side Jet
Oh ohhhh
Mmm ohhh
Each night he prays
When he's wide awake
Wishing all his pain would go away
Dreams of islands
A paradise
Where all his troubles float to space (to space)
It's human nature
What doesn't kill you makes ya
You're always looking over your shoulder yeah
Won't see him running
But man I'll tell you something
You put your money down on the cold sure bet
Cause it's in his nature
What doesn't kill you makes ya
He's always looking over his shoulder yeah
You won't see him coming
But man I'll tell you something
Nobody throws it down like this West Side Jet

이런 글은 어떠세요?

로그인 후 댓글을 달아보세요

혹시 지금 한국이 아니신가요!?
여행 l 외국어 l 해외거주 l 해외드라마
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