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(‼️보홀 고래상어 중단) Whale shark watching activities in Bohol suspended | 인스티즈

Whale shark watching activities in Bohol suspended | ABS-CBN News

All whale shark watching activities in the province of Bohol is now ordered closed by its governor, Aris Aumentado.


(‼️보홀 고래상어 중단) Whale shark watching activities in Bohol suspended | 인스티즈

보홀에서 고래상어 관찰 활동이 다 중단됨. 주지사가 고래상어한테 먹이를 주는 불법적인 활동을 금지하라고 명령함. 사유는 고래상어를 관광객들에게 더 가까이 오게 하려고 먹이를 주는 활동이 환경법이나 보홀의 규정을 어겨서. 먹이 주는 게 관광이랑 수질에도 안 좋음. 다만, 허가를 받으면 활동할 수는 있는데 새우젓 주는 건 금지. 먹이 주면 고래상어 이동 경로 바뀌어서 문제 생긴다는 이유. 2/7까지 활동 멈추게 하고 정부 단속 예정.

All whale shark watching activities in the province of Bohol is now ordered closed by its governor, Aris Aumentado.

In an executive order signed on Monday, Aumentado mandated a cessation of all illegal whale shark interaction activities.

“Operating in violation of applicable laws, memoranda, circulars, convention agreements, or ordinances are prohibited and must cease operations,” his order. read.

This specifically calls out to tour operators in the towns of Lila, Albuquerque and Dauis that feed the marine mammals so they would go nearer to the tourists.

Aumentado explained that the activities have no permits from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources or the Bureau of Internal Revenue.

It also violates a provincial ordinance signed in 2020 that the feeding of whale sharks and other similar mammals in the vicinity of Bohol waters is strictly prohibited.

“Okay ang whale shark watching but ang feeding, sa surrounding nga water, may foul odor especially to Panglao - ang sentro ng ating turismo,” Aumentado told reporters.

He is also worried that the whale shark activities will compromise tourism in the province and the water quality of Bohol’s beaches.

Aumentado added that if operators are able to acquire permits from pertinent agencies, he will allow the activities again but limited to the towns of Lila, Albuquerque and Dauis only.

However, he stressed that there should be no feeding of migratory mammals.

“Atong ipa-comply, basta no feeding, walang problema,” Aumentado said.

“If you feed them, they will change their direction and it will destroy their migratory path," explained the governor in Cebuano.

These whale shark feeding activities are done are within the Albuquerque-Loay-Loboc Protected Landscape and Seascape as well as the Panglao Island Protected Seascape.

They are regulated by the National Integrated Protection Areas System.

Governor Aumentado is also not worried that they will have less tourists after the closure of the whale watching operators since they have other popular attractions.

Even if the order is effective immediately, Aumentado is giving the affected workers and business owners until February 7, Friday, to stop their operations. The government will issue closure orders by then.

“The DOLE (Department of Labor and Employment) is here to help our displaced workers,” added Aumentado.

He has ordered the Philippine National Police Maritime Group, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Environmental Management Bureau, Philippine Coast Guard, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, as well as the Coastal Law Enforcement Council to enforce the order.

For mayors who refuse to follow his executive order, Aumentado said that he will refer the matter to the Department of the Interior and Local Government.

Aumentado is also mulling tapping station job order employees from the capitol at the sites to aid in the enforcement.

“I am just protecting our province,” Aumentado said on a final note.

Bohol Province is a declared UNESCO Geopark because of its natural sites and habitats.

(내용 없음)

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