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모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 202l
이 글은 5년 전 (2019/9/21) 게시물이에요

Hi people! 

I just wondering how, if I could, can I help a blind person at the stairs.

Every morning on my way to the work, I see the blind guy waiting at the gate of subway for help... I am not sure he's waiting for the help to walk on the stairs or not, but I saw someone helped him to step on the stairs the other day... So I guess he's waiting every morning for help...

It's been a week that I've seen him (or recognized) and I want to help him. But the thing is I have never helped a blind and so I am so worried if I would make him feel embarrassed...

Also, I have a panic attack in the public places with a lot of people... It's getting better these days but I can't breathe well sometimes.  Now I am worrying what if I have a random panic attack when I try to help him...

I know this is ridiculous, but I just want to help him because I even sometimes need someone's help on the street...  I just feel bad whenever I walk past him... :'( 

Should I give a try to help him one day? or just tell the police officer at the subway to help him... I don't know. Have you ever helped a blind person?


You are so kind. I’ve never helped blind people and never thought that I need to do that. I’m embarrassed.. I recommend you to tell police officers first, after that when your panic attack becomes better, it would be fine to try helping him! Please care yourself first!
5년 전
We all can’t be so sure how he might feel when you offer him your help but i think you should ask him first. Just ask him if he needs any help. Then you will get your answer. Just in case he says he needs help, don’t feel too much pressure about it. You’re doing something so considerate and sweet.

Good luck💕 The world is better because of someone like you💕

5년 전
Yeah I agree with what 행2 said above You should ask him first if he needs help because according to my ASL teacher some people find it offensive when someone comes up and helps them out without asking first If your anxiety attack gets worse, you could just tell the police to help him!
5년 전
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