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모바일 (밤모드 이용시)
l조회 99l
The differences can find between members of different generation, especially parents and children. The fashion and dressing styles have changed tremendously over the time. Some changes have been very gradual and some sudden. At first, miniskirts had been in fashion in the 1970s among women, but constable personally checked misdemeanor strictly limit. Long hair for men came in the sixties. There was a time when they restricted men from having long hair. So students were forced to the cut of the hair. Jeans with frayed leg hems were once the trend and it was fashionable to fray the bottoms of your jeans. The trouser bottom was one of the most common denominator of identifying generations. Some trends are disinterred from retro style. Ankle leather boots are much sought after these days. They are slimmer at the waist and tapered at the leg, staying true to the boot cut name. The newest styles hark back to the clothes of the 70s. Maybe when you are parents later fashion will return.

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