오늘 아육대에서 댄스스포츠 종목 첫 경기한 거 봄?
케플러 샤오팅이 금메달 땄는데 퍼포먼스 역대급이고 선수티가 나더라ㅇㅇ
Are you guys ready to see #XIAOTING’s dancesport performance in hd? Drop the tags.
XIAOTING DANCESPORT ON ISAC#샤오팅이왕관을차지합니다#XiaotingTakesTheCrownpic.twitter.com/tOO9ZfmyM6
이게 샤오팅 풀버전
call #XIAOTING the MAIN EVENT pic.twitter.com/q9IAgnvaBM
샤오팅 춤 선 넘 예뻐,,,원래 댄스스포츠 선수였대,,,,,
발레 3년 배우고 댄스스포츠 약 50개의 상을 수상한 여자 어때? #샤오팅 pic.twitter.com/AjP73IBeEh
You’ve done really well #XIAOTING and I’m so proud of u ! You’re so amazing!
XIAOTING DANCESPORT ON ISAC#샤오팅이왕관을차지합니다#소중한_소정이에게#XiaotingTakesTheCrownpic.twitter.com/nT1bfNlt31
근육있는 여자 멋있다는 걸 뭔가 이번 영상이랑 사진보면서 느낌
220909 isac dance sports kep1er xiaoting cut pic.twitter.com/vtHx0ORz9q
흥해라 케플러!!!!
어떡해... 나 울어 🥺
샤오팅 꽉 안아주는 케플러 멤버들 pic.twitter.com/bQ6PJNBN8D
the babies crying because they were so proud of their xiaoting unnie who’s sending them hearts and kisses 🥺😭
Dahyun: knowing how much hard work their member has been through for this..
Aiki: they must be so proud pic.twitter.com/Kkl1YKkFFn